Lighting Flint on fire!!!. Lighting a "cigarette" with flint and steel.
Lighting Flint on fire!!! video duration 27 Second(s), published by Donald dump Trump dump on 19 09 2016 - 14:33:51.
. The Vikings' most important tool was not the Viking sword, but the fire steel or fire striker
In this video, I use birch bark instead of dry grass to light my primitive .
Lighting a fire with a Flint and Steel bought from DealExtreme
Just try to scratch the flint and steel strongly and with a 90º angle and probably fire will start . Had to back up my big mouth! LOL!
Other Video about Lighting Flint on fire!!!:
Lighting a "cigarette" with flint and steel.
Had to back up my big mouth! LOL!Viking Fire Lighting: Flint and Steel Fire With Birch Bark, Norwegian Winter
The Vikings' most important tool was not the Viking sword, but the fire steel or fire strikerIn this video, I use birch bark instead of dry grass to light my primitive .
Lighting a fire with a Flint and Steel
Lighting a fire with a Flint and Steel bought from DealExtremeJust try to scratch the flint and steel strongly and with a 90º angle and probably fire will start .
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