Ultra Portable Light Stands - Fits in a camera bag, goes to 80inches. C-Stands vs. Straight Stands: Ep 129: Photo on the Go with Joe McNally: Adorama Photography TV
Ultra Portable Light Stands - Fits in a camera bag, goes to 80inches video duration 4 Minute(s) 36 Second(s), published by Darren Levine on 19 12 2012 - 23:44:33.
See full article with Buy Links: http://www.mediahalo.com/articles/litelightstands/?you26 Sometimes you need C stands, sometimes you need beefy light stands, What to look for when buying a light stand
The one's I use in Australia: http://www.protog.com.au/?rf=kw&kw=lightstand Light weight option in USA: .
Download my business coaching class: http://bit.ly/1nKfmIM Hi, this is Jay P
Today on The Slanted Lens you'll learn how to easily use a C-Stand, Wanted to show why CHEAP light stands are not a good idea, show an OK affordable light stand, and my favorite, the C-Stand (WAY MORE useful than a light http://www.adorama.com Adorama Photography TV Presents Photo on the Go with Joe McNally
In this episode, Joe discusses the pros and cons of using .
See full article with Buy Links: http://www.mediahalo.com/articles/litelightstands/?you26
Sometimes you need C stands, sometimes you need beefy light stands, but sometimes you just need a stand to hold a little LED light. That's what these are great for. The pack up short enough to fit into carryon bags, and still reach high enough to get a hair light over the shoulder of a sit down interview. If at all possible, i bring these stands instead of my larger ones. Be careful to not overdose them with something that's outside of its capacity. i've used 650 fresnels and 2 bank CFL fixtures on them, but i wouldn't trust anything larger or heaver than such items.
A mistake i see many people make with any light stand, is the extension of the legs, they are NOT supposed to be pointed all the way down. Stand's legs should be extended so that the feet are spread as far out from the center as possible to create the widest, most stable base. In the case of these stands, you can raise it up a few inches more than that, but no more if you wish to stay safe, which you should.
This particular unit seems very close to the manfrotto version, both feel plenty solidly built, nearly all metal, but not overly heavy. The top can accept most lights with a socket or 1/4\
Other Video about Ultra Portable Light Stands - Fits in a camera bag, goes to 80inches:
Light Stands | C-Stands - Don't Risk Your Gear With Cheap!
Wanted to show why CHEAP light stands are not a good idea, show an OK affordable light stand, and my favorite, the C-Stand (WAY MORE useful than a light .C-Stands vs. Straight Stands: Ep 129: Photo on the Go with Joe McNally: Adorama Photography TV
http://www.adorama.com Adorama Photography TV Presents Photo on the Go with Joe McNallyIn this episode, Joe discusses the pros and cons of using .
Light stand buying guide
What to look for when buying a light standThe one's I use in Australia: http://www.protog.com.au/?rf=kw&kw=lightstand Light weight option in USA: .
C-Stands: How To Set Up and Use
Download my business coaching class: http://bit.ly/1nKfmIM Hi, this is Jay PMorgan
Today on The Slanted Lens you'll learn how to easily use a C-Stand, .
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